
Australian Equities
US Equities
International Equities
There are no minimum investments for these portfolios, making it easier for you to add regularly to them and to have your money working harder.

High Growth
Defensive For those investors that are looking for more structured products, the following portfolios are designed to help meet your broader risk profile and investment goals, as determined through advice.

Additional Resources
Guiding Australians to Financial Success

In the event of your death, a lump sum payment that can cover your mortgage, provide for your family and leave a legacy of security rather than pain. The purpose for Life Insurance, although not being able to replace the love and importance of a family member, it should go some way towards providing a financial buffer and alleviate the financial strain on the family unit.

Income Protection is designed to replace a portion of your existing income should you be unable to work due to illness or injury. It helps you meet day-to-day financial commitments, such as your mortgage and bills, which you would otherwise cover with your regular income.

TPD, otherwise known as Total and Permanent Disability, is insurance coverage that provides financial support if you’re unable to work again due to a permanent disability resulting from an illness or injury. Its purpose is to help mitigate the financial impact on the family unit and cover costs associated with acquiring the disability.

Trauma cover is triggered on specific medical instances such as heart attack, stroke, cancer etc. This is different to TPD as in most cases the person is able to return to work in some capacity after recovery or rehabilitation. The purpose of these funds is to to assist with potential rehabilitation costs.
What would you like help with
Make sure you have yourself properly covered – it will give you and your family peace of mind at a time when it’s really needed.

Retire with Dignity
Very sadly for more and more people today, the dream of retirement is becoming a nightmare. The high cost of living, coupled with the prospect of living longer, often results in a lower standard of living as retirees try to cut costs and make their meagre savings last longer.
Getting started right now, with a new game plan, based on having more control, the opportunity for better performance and at the same time, saving on fees are critical steps in helping you enjoy a high quality retirement that is stress free.
Directed/Retail Super Fund
You would like some control on the investments held in your Superannuation account without the need to do the investing directly, and have the experience of an advisor to guide you along the way.

Directed/Retail Super
Some Control with Guidance
Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)
Having control and flexibility over your Superannuation is one of the key decisions for this Super structure. The ability to participate in investments using superannuation exclusive to an SMSF include residential or commercial property, Collectables and Share Trading strategies just to name a few.

Self Managed Super
Control and Flexibility
The question that you may wish to ask yourself is
Who has the most vested interest in your financial future?
The answer should be “yourself”
and if that’s the case, lets chat and see how we can help this work for you.
Blunsdon Capital Management Pty Ltd t/a Your Money Advisor (ABN 88 122 053 347) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR 306373) of Grange Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 488609).The information contained in this website does not constitute personal financial product advice. The information provided is of a general nature only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific professional advice. We recommend that you obtain your own independent professional advice before making any decision in relation to your particular requirements or circumstances. The decision to invest or trade and the method selected is a personal decision and involves an inherent level of risk, and you must undertake your own investigations and obtain your own advice regarding the suitability of this product for your circumstances. Please be aware that all trading activity is subject to both profit & loss and may not be suitable for you. Past performance of any product discussed is not indicative of future performance. (We urge that caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. All financial products are subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect their future performance). We may at times refer to third parties. Details of these third parties have been provided solely for you to obtain further information about other relevant products and entities in the market. Blunsdon Capital Management has no control over the information third parties have, or the products or services offered, and therefore make no representations regarding the accuracy or suitability of such information, products or services. You are advised to make your own enquiries in relation to third parties. Our inclusion of any third party content is not an endorsement of that content or the third party. Please view our Financial Services Guide on our website.
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